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Receiver-side Cutoff

With the corona crisis comes an increased use of remote work tools, especially communication tools to substitute for face to face interaction. There has been a lot of discussion about security, privacy and the like - what I haven’t seen discussed much is the burden different tools put on the different parties involved. What I miss dearly in some tools is a Receiver-side Cutoff - a convenient way to hinder senders from sending further content. Not delay, not silently delete - hinder. Something every communication service should have.

I’ve had to use a matrix / instance - and I’m not a fan. Other people can invite me to rooms and direct chats, I can’t seem to limit this in a sensible way, and people can continue writing me even when I’m logged out. It’s like email and mailing lists, only worse: The gooey GUI further lowers the threshold for sending badly thought-out messages. A textual chat room is not a substitute for a stringently organized meeting. A textual direct chat is not a substitute for face to face interaction if one party can continue rambling when the other is absent.

The phone, intrusive as it is, at least limits the number of simultaneous senders to one. And it can conveniently be switched to not disturb. Email is a bad offender in this regard - ideally my company inbox should reject any internal message not authored by the chief executives outside my working hours. But matrix feels even worse.

[Update 2023-02-06:] The truly broken thing about this: The higher your perceived value to others, the bigger the asymmetry between number of senders and receivers. All forms of communication foster this to some degree, but most have some form of natural limitation. If you take away the limitation, most people will instinctively react by trying to not display any valuable skills or traits. Some will try to please everyone and inevitably fail. A few learn to set boundaries, but have to defend them with increasing demands on time and self-assertion. This is a shit experience for everyone.

Make X less annoying

Two new custom CSSes to get rid of some web mistakes:


body   { overflow: auto !important; }
.tHaIX { display: none !important; } /* no "please login" footer */
.RnEpo { display: none !important; } /* no login pop up */
._lz6s { display: none !important; } /* no login/register header */ 


._5hn6 { display: none !important; }             /* no login footer */
._1pfm { display: none !important; }             /* no like, share, send message */
._57dz { display: none !important; }             /* no side column */

I’ve also made a new git repo to track changes.

What we lost

Angelo Pesce in Is true hacking dead? What we lost.:

We lost all of this, basically all. We live in a time where it’s impossible not to interface with a computer, computing is cheap and immensely powerful, yet it’s nearly impossible to understand and contribute to it.


Now, to a degree this is entirely reasonable, when something becomes commoditized it’s just another thing to be used, it loses its appeal. We buy cars and go to mechanics, right? We don’t know how to peek inside the engines anymore…

But what is striking to me is how that ideology is completely lost as well, replaced with one that prioritizes theoretical freedoms over actual ones.

We replaced the Commodore 64, which was entirely closed, proprietary yet hackable, with a linux-based monstrosity like the Raspberry-Pi, which is mostly opensource from what I understand (on the software side of things), yet might as well just be booting Windows and the vast majority of its uses would remain identical. It’s a cheap and fun toy for programmers, sure, but it mostly (entirely?) fails at making computation more accessible, which was its original goal.

i.e. Open Source alone doesn’t mean a thing, if it’s not simple at the same time.

Make YouTube less annoying

Custom CSS for YouTube:

    #related { display: none !important; }
    #comments { display: none !important; }
    #subscribe-button { display: none !important; } { display: none !important; }
    #info-text { display: none !important; }
    #menu-container { display: none !important; }


Hier gibt’s den Seemeilennachweis als PDF.

Falls Ihr das PDF selbst per LaTeX anders gestalten wollt, findet ihr die zugehörigen Quellen auf meinem Git-Server

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